= criterion [criteria, -pl.], pattern, yardstick, touchstone.
Ex: Most documents have many characteristics that might be identified by a searcher as the criterion by which the document would be selected as relevant.
Ex: In the same way that citation orders may have more or less theoretical foundations, equally reference generation may follow a predetermined pattern.
Ex: The legitimate yardstick against which to evaluate "Beatlemusik" is not, pace Paul Johnson, Beethoven's last quartets, but other contemporary popular music.
Ex: The touchstone for professional practice are the professional codes of ethics that govern medicine in face-to-face relationships with patients.
* a criterio de = at the discretion of.
* basado en criterios = criteria-based.
* con criterio = discerning.
* criterio de selección = selection criterion.
* criterio general = rule of thumb.
* criterio propio = judgement [judgment].
* criterios de búsqueda = search criteria.
* criterios de relevancia = relevance criteria.
* cumplir un criterio = meet + standard.
* dejar Algo al criterio de Alguien = leave + Nombre + up to.
* establecer criterios para = make + provision for.
* evaluar muy positivamente según unos criterios establecidos = rate + Nombre + high on + criteria.
* no cumplir unos criterios = fall (far) short of + criteria.
* no satisfacer unos criterios = fall (far) short of + criteria.
* satisfacer un criterio = fulfil + criterion.
* sea cual sea el criterio utilizado = by any standard(s).
* sin criterio alguno = indiscriminate, indiscriminately.